As Financial Market is continuously changes. A Lot of new is adding to its source. Try in out new technology. So student who interested in and want to be skillful can try for NCFM and NISM Certification as better opportunities in India. Let See more details:
Securities Market Controlling Organization -Securities Exchange borad of India (SEBI) is established in the year 1992. For creating new source of capital markets SEBI helped a lot. As Securities markets are increasing their number and welcomed international companies to investment has increased and improved because of SEBI. So, We have a lot job opportunities and also helps in career development.
Economics, Mathematics and Accounting, Law, Computing all the field combined working for the Financial market. As result, Fund Managers , Analyst, Risk Managers, merchant banks, stock brokers, dealers,Relationship Managers jobs are available in this sector.
Securities market also have expansion limit. Shares, Govt Securities, Companies Bonds, Equity Derivatives( Index Futures, Index Option, Stock Futures, Stock Options)Currency Derivatives, Commodity derivatives,Interest rate derivatives,Exchange Trade funds, Mutual funds all this comes under this category securities market limit.They always search for new modes investment into the market.
For getting jobs in security market, the eligible candidate should possess the certification and also they should follow some rules and regulations.
NCFM Certification:
NCFM has online examination, and it has it's own approving organization and lucrative job opportunities . NCFM has many modules. Capital Market, Equity derivatives, Market risk management,Banking Insurance, Commercial banking, Fixed income markets,Investment Analysis and portfolio management, currency derivatives, fundamental analysis, technical analysis, Securities and Operations, Risk Management, Treasury management, Depository Operations, Mergers and acquisition, Back office business operations,wealth management, equity research business analytic available has modules.
NSE has conducted 16 lakh examinations from 1998 years. Students, Investors, Lectures, Employees and people who are interested in securities market and who completed inter(12th class) can be attempt this online exam.
NISM Certification:
Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is conducting this NSIM Certification( In Financial Market employee should possess this certification will have better opportunities.). NISM series conducted some special type examinations on currency derivatives, Mutual funds,Merchant banking,Investment Advisor,Research Analyst, Equity Sales and some others. But SEBI made some certification compulsory such as Equity Derivatives, currency derivatives and Research analyst.
NCFM, NISM certfication along Economics,Commerce, Management student become additional qualification for better opportunities.
For More About these Certification Log on to website:
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